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Ontario Place

Toronto - Canada

Opened in 1971, the three artificial islands of Ontario Place are home to some of Canada’s most iconic entertainment attractions. These include the geodesic Cinesphere and five pavilion Pods, poised above the waters of Lake Ontario.


Coinciding with the complex’s 40th anniversary year, the CivicArts’ concept masterplan called for these architectural assets to be threaded onto a graceful Crescent Parade, anchored with a Diamond Marina in the west and arcing eastwards to climax in the liquid curtain walls of a new Water Pavilion. The marina’s entourage of new residential islands boast spectacular views across the lake, while a striking Orbital Boardwalk of cafes and restaurants rings the restored Pods. Together they form the hub for an array of five Continental Biomes, recreating different climatic conditions for a host of flora and fauna.


With an expanded portfolio of stages, amphitheatres and performance spaces, the masterplan revitalises this key site on Toronto’s waterfront by curating an all-weather attraction of international standing.




© CivicArts LLP, 2016
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